Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shake Out. Don’t Freak Out.

Here is a direct quote from Barb Shelley, Public Relations - Communications Specialist
Corporate Communications and Minerals Processing:


"While Utah has not had a major earthquake in the last 350 years, FLSmidth values its employees and does its part to be current on all safety and preparedness issues surrounding natural disasters. We were one of 400 Utah businesses and nearly 1 million people who participated in a state-wide earthquake safety drill yesterday. After practicing Drop, Cover, and Hold on, the internationally recommended safety procedure, our employees gathered in groups to discuss what they have learned about earthquake preparedness. We have employees from more than 30 countries working out of three facilities in Utah so the exercise was invaluable to help everyone get current about earthquake safety."  

FLSmidth employee practising "Drop, Cover, and Hold" during the drill.

I appreciated the hard work that Barb Shelley put into the earthquake preparedness drill. I was taught as a child that if an earthquake hits, you're supposed to run to a doorway and stand underneath as you hold on. I was informed by Barb that this would be the last place you want to be during an earthquake. For one, not everyone would be able to fit underneath the doorways during an earthquake, and it wouldn't be safe at all. Secondly, the fastest way to protect yourself, is to get underneath your desk, cover your neck/head and hold on the best you can. I'm so grateful that I have this knowledge know and because I practised getting under my desk, I will be prepared if ever there is an emergency. Thanks to FLSmidth and Barb Shelley, I feel more confident now that I have experienced the FLSmidth earthquake safety drill.


FLSmidth employee discussing the drill afterward. 

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